ETL Speed-Spell™ and Memory Trainer
-Acclaimed by classroom teachers, parents, students, and businesses
-Master your weekly spelling list quickly!
-Excellent for Home Schooling!
-Easily and quickly learn almost anything you want to commit to memory.
-Easy to use and for Children, Teens and Adults!!
Programmable Spelling
With ETL Speed-Spell™ you can:
Easily and quickly learn almost anything you want to commit to memory!
Master the weekly Spelling list, often in 10 minutes!
Practice the meanings of foreign words and phrases.
Build an impressive data bank of your own special vocabulary words!
Recall definitions in a flash!
Memory Trainer
Memory trainer is a unique and powerful tool to commit data to memory. It flashes words on the screen giving you a split second to comprehend them, thus enhancing your reaction time, directly correlating with thinking speed.
Pre-Programmed Lists with Audio
Days of the Week
Months of the Year with Number of Days
Planets of our Solar System
U.S. Presidents (Washington - McKinley)
U.S. Presidents (T. Roosevelt - G.W. Bush)
Roman Numerals (1-25)
Roman Numerals (26-1000)
Countries of North America
Countries of Central America
Countries of South America
Commonly used U.S. Measurements - Percentages
Commonly Misspelled Words (absence-changeable)
Commonly Misspelled Words (choose-fascinate)
Commonly Misspelled Words (February-league)
Commonly Misspelled Words (leisure-persistent)
Commonly Misspelled Words (phenomenon-surgeon)
Commonly Misspelled Words (tendency-yield)
100 most common SAT Test Words and Definitions
15 Longest US Rivers, Length, and into what they flow
Addition Facts Part A
Addition Facts Part B
Subtraction Facts Part A
Subtraction Facts Part B
Multiplication Facts Part A
Multiplication Facts Part B
Division Facts Part A
Division Facts Part B
SAT Words and Definitions continued (convergence)
SAT Words and Definitions continued (impute)
SAT Words and Definitions continued (querulous)
States with their Capitals Part 1
States with their Capitals Part 2
States with their Capitals Part 3
States with their Capitals Part 4
Dolch List (Extended Version)
There are 21 additional preprogrammed Dolch word lists, including the required 500 sight words for Kindergarten through third grade.
Bonus Teacher Options
ETL Speed-Spell™ and Memory Trainer has some user-friendly features. A useful feature for teachers is the Master List Editor. It enables a teacher to have all of his/her students focus and learn on one subject at a time. An example is if you have a class and you teach 10 new vocab words a week. You can embed that weekly list into the software and then have all of the students learn and memorize these specific words. This is a very handy feature whether homeschooling, teaching school, or wanting to learn on your own. All of these options become enabled with this simple and highly effective program.