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About Expressways To Learning®

      Expressways To Learning®  programs are integrated into masterful systems which profoundly effect the storage and retrieval of knowledge in the brain. They include most of what educators know about learning. Many of the tested and proven principles of the past are combined with today's technology in a totally unique way.

Key Benefits


-For learners of all ages
-Improve self-image almost immediately
-Provide opportunity for success from the beginning of the program and throughout each easy step
-Integrate right brain/left brain learning, using rhythm and music
-Increase the brain's ability to store and recall newly learned information
-Alternate learning modes so the learner can master classroom material and information from society at large
-Provide rapid remediation that permanently removes many learners from at-risk situations
-Build a sense of accomplishment
-Reduce stress, embarrassment and frustration
-Promote an expectation of continuing success


      The following four systems are available for lease to schools, learning centers, agencies, and through our distance learning consultants:


      -Expressways To Reading®  which is a comprehensive system of many integrated programs rapidly teaching reading, spelling, handwriting, and comprehension


      -Expressways To Math®  which has three levels including word problems


      -QuikComp®  which increases comprehension, vocabulary, and speed of reading


      -AdVocab®  which increases vocabulary while improving spelling, focusing, and visual skills


      In addition there is ETL Speed-Spellâ„¢ which enables one to memorize facts easily and quickly. It is available for purchase to the general public.


Easy to Use

      All Expressways To Learning® systems are easy to use and individualized, requiring minimal preparation by the teacher. They also include computerized record-keeping and analysis. This enables the instructor to closely monitor the progress of EACH student.

      ETL systems are available for lease in interactive DVD versions for Windows. Teacher training as well as ongoing consultation and techinical support are all provided.

Special Needs and Grade Level Gains

      Many students demonstrate inability to process information correctly, thereby lagging behind and feeling defeated. Expressways To Learning®  provides special help, addressing the causes of educational challenges.


      Learning centers using Expressways To Learning®  systems expect to see grade level gains of two years or more in just six to twelve months of training. Some learners previously in special needs programs have been placed into regular classes and made the honor roll after exiting the ETL lab, continuing to excel.


For normal or gifted learners, measured gains have been even more rapid and dramatic.  

Computer Requirements

      The Expressways To Learning® system works on the Windows Operating System. However our technician can help you setup a Macintosh system to run our program.


To View the full system requirements please view this document.

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