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Expressways To Learning® Team
Behind the Scenes


At present there are at least five current Learning Center owners who are also Representatives for ETL with each having had over twenty-five years with the corporation. They are as enthusiastic and dedicated as when they began! This is a remarkable record for the products, the company, and all those who have and are giving so much of themselves to improving and changing students’ lives.

Lucy Clay



Lucy Clay is a graduate of Baylor University with a B.S. in Education and English.  She holds  teacher’s certificates from Tennessee and Texas.  Lucy has owned and operated her own centers for about 25 years.  Lucy first met Dr. Jack Hoes, the author of Expressways To Learning® in 1987.  She was amazed with his passion to help and equip children and adults to independently read, process information, and prove what they know in a classroom or work environment.  Lucy finds that many of her students are above average or gifted but just “Learn Differently.” Lucy has just completed authoring two books.

Chuck Stilwell

Sierra Vista, AZ



Chuck earned a Master’s Degree in Education/Human Behavior from United States International University in San Diego, California with emphasis dealing with children and teens with Dyslexia and other learning Disabilities.  He served as a teacher in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa, as well as working in San Diego as a teacher and vice principal.

Chuck Stilwell began his own educational center in Sierra Vista AZ about 35 years ago.  He implemented Expressways To Learning®

systems approximately ten years later, becoming an enthusiastic proponent. Three generations of children, teens and adults have experienced the far-reaching positive results with practically every imaginable difficulty with learning difficulties or reading and math concerns.


Chuck also serves as an Independent Consultant and Representative of the ETL corporation in various capacities, including being an excellent writer.  He recruits schools, learning centers and distance learning students. He instituted the government SES program throughout Arizona for after-school tutoring.  He established two labs in schools in US Samoa, each with about 900 students.  One has continued with ETL for over 16 years.  

Ruth Ann Roberts

Marshall, TX


Ruth Ann Roberts has also worked more than 25 years with ETL both as the very first teacher Dr. Hoes ever trained, independent of his own direct supervision. She went on to her own Center, became an ETL rep, and for the last 17 years has been an instructor in Texas State Technical College in Marshall, TX where she uses ETL systems. Her results continue to be phenomenal. She earned a Master’s degree in Education in Reading from the University of Texas. She earned an AB degree in Sociology/Psychology from Indiana Wesleyan University. She also has Certification in Social Studies Composite from Texas Woman’s University and an Elementary Certification from the University of Texas.

Carolyn Bieker

McAllen, TX


Carolyn Bieker of McAllen Texas has been a Rep who also has her own Center with Expressways To Learning® for about 24 years. Carolyn has a B.S. in Education. She taught school for 10 years and is a certified Dyslexia Strategist. Her husband, William Bieker O.D., includes Developmental Vision therapy in his practice. When he had some young patients who had trouble in school but did not have vision problems he began to pursue a solution. When a patient shared Expressways To Learning® results with him he felt it might be “the bridge back to the classroom.”

He encouraged his wife, Carolyn, to open a Center using ExpresswaysTo Learning®. She also became a Rep placing Labs in a number of Texas schools. Carolyn states "the Center has changed so many children’s lives and has brought success to students that would have never had a chance to succeed in life. This program is a life changer.”

Dianett Garza

McAllen, TX


Dianett "Diny" Garza has worked as a manager in Carolyn’s ETL Center for more than 20 years as well as training and servicing many of the school Labs which Carolyn has established.  She has a Bachelor of  Science degree with a minor in English from the University of Texas Pan-American.  She is very grateful to be helping so many students change their lives.

Roberto and Judith D’Amico

Redding, CA


Roberto D’Amico has an MA in counseling psychology. He has spent over 25 years providing counseling and social services to children, adults, and families. Roberto’s work has focused primarily on improving family functioning, especially in the area of child abuse/neglect prevention and intervention. He is a Listening Professional trained in using Integrated Listening Systems to help people with auditory processing disorder, sensory integration problems, speech delays, autistic spectrum disorders, and other learning problems.

Judith D’Amico has a BA in human development and an MA in counseling psychology. She has devoted over 45 years to working with children and families in various roles, including child and family counselor, teacher, parent educator, home school mom, foster parent, children’s librarian, tutor, and host of a radio call-in parenting talk show. Since 2002, Judith has been working in Redding, California, in her ETL Lab with children who have learning problems, including dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, visual and auditory processing problems, speech delays, and autistic spectrum disorders. After the first year in her ETL Lab the mayor of Redding gave her an award for helping children.

Charles and Chris Laird

Dallas, TX


Charles and Chris Laird have been involved with Expressways To Learning® also for nearly 25 years. They considered it a privilege to work and train with Jack and Lorinda Hoes originally in Waco, TX. They feel that Expressways To Learning® is a powerful program. Their involvement began with their 8-year-old son who participated in the Expressways program, which drastically changed his life. Because the Laird’s personal experience was so powerful and life-changing they decided to devote their lives to getting the message out to others and making a difference. They developed their own Learning Center with ETL, even had a private school for students who were not accepted elsewhere.

Over the last twenty years Charles and Chris have specialized in helping through the VA with veterans having special needs after having served in various wars. Charles and Chris have expressed that most veterans need to return to trade school or college to get better jobs. Expressways To Learning® has been beneficial for them and has prepared them for success. Now nearly twenty-five years after they began with ETL, they are as passionate and excited about Expressways To Learning® and what they do today as when they first realized what this program could do for anyone involved and applying themselves. They stated recently, “we feel we have been blessed to be a part of such a wonderful organization that literally changes lives forever!!!"

Dolores Boyce



I had been teaching my cousins to read since I was a child myself. I have always seen myself as a teacher. Yet, my position as the youngest child in my family also drew me toward a helping career that touches more aspects of the lives of others. In the end, I solved that dilemma and more by earning an AA degree in Human Services, then going on to achieve a Bachelor of Science degree in education with an emphasis in guidance counseling.


Upon graduation, the first job I was able to secure was one in the social work field. For a number of years, I enjoyed positions focusing on segments of the population ranging from inner-city youth to single moms, to the elderly. I found


it so fulfilling to be able to have such an influence on the dynamics of individual’s lives.


Later, I found myself happily working with the early childhood program aimed at addressing developmental delays prior to preschool enrollment. It was during my time there, that I was introduced to Dr. Jack Hoes and the Expressways To Learning® program. Immediately, I knew I was supposed to be involved in this tremendous system.


As co-owner of a clinic in Texas for five years, I grew even more impressed and convinced of its incredible potential to impact the lives and futures of individuals.

I have now introduced Expressways To Learning® to the upper Midwest, beginning with Minnesota. We are already making a huge impact on individuals of all ages, and are beginning to expand our presence. The goal is to make a lasting difference for all we can.

Expressways To Learning® has also been used in Mexico, American Samoa, Australia and most recently Africa. 

Heather Rawlins



Our Rep in Australia, Heather Rawlins, is an experienced classroom, remedial and special education teacher. She is a parent and grandparent of adults and children who have had learning difficulties. Heather has been heard to say that she is determined to “make Australia literate” and she has not been deterred in her goal even though it is difficult to begin in a foreign country with many hurdles. She now has some Home Study students as well as a couple of labs in schools. Heather states that she is proud to bring Expressways To Learning® to Australia and New Zealand.

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