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      The proven systems of Expressways To Learning®  by Dr. Jack E. Hoes provide rapid remediation or exciting acceleration. They use innovative computer-based programs in addition to printed materials and techniques which make learning easy. The ETL systems demonstrate multimedia, multisensory, multilevel learning at its best.


      These systems supply sufficient enjoyable practice using learning materials that stimulate the brain enabling it to store and retrieve auditory, visual and motor-kinesthetic impressions. This results in prodigious amounts of sequential learning, much more than is usually acquired in conventional classrooms. These programs are designed to engage the students attention with less than one hour per daily session without homework.

Expressways To Reading®


Expressways To Reading®  is a quick way to learn the vast array of skills required to communicate in English.

It is a comprehensive system of 340 lessons extending from beginning to advanced reading. Students begin where they can immediately achieve success and continue until their goals are reached. Each lesson may involve more than 20 different activities all of which are integrated and sequential.

Expressways To Math®


Expressways To Math®  makes use of the same A-VIP techniques used in Expressways To Reading®.  A-VIP is used to embed into permanent memory the fundamental facts of calculation. Expressways To Math®  then exercises and integrates the accumulating memory base so that the learner can apply it to developing math skills through computer games, recitation to music and rhythms and contests.



QuikComp®  includes 155 lessons offering 253 stories or topics. Its purpose is to develop comprehension through vocabulary study and the silent reading of graded text, teaching how to find and remember facts, main ideas, and to draw conclusions. Text to increase reading rate begins with a few short sentences, then paragraphs, then chapters, then stories of increasing length and complexity.



AdVocab®  increases vocabulary while improving spelling, focusing and visual skills. Utilizing 20 different computer programs, the 131 lessons are based on thousands of multi-syllable words not taught in Expressways To Reading®.

AdVocab®  is generally used with teens and adults and is expected to help increase SAT and ACT scores measurably.

ETL Speed-Spellâ„¢


ETL Speed-Spellâ„¢ allows students to easily and quickly learn almost anything you want to commit to memory! With ETL Speed-Spellâ„¢ you can practice the meanings of foreign words and phrases and recall definitions in a flash! Also, you can build an impressive data bank of your own special vocabulary words and master the weekly Spelling list, often in 10 minutes! ETL Speed-Spellâ„¢ is easy to use!

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